UKO membership is open to all Ghanaians
UKO seeks to restore the dignity and quality of life for people, by eliminating barriers to success through innovative education programs, entrepreneurial development and community driven projects. Guided by these aspirations and those of the people we serve, we pursue this mission with compassion, transparency and generosity.
1. To co-operate and promote interaction with other organization for the social and economic well-being of local communities in Ghana. Thereby, increasing the capacity to make a difference both national and international environment.
2. To provide networking opportunities between international communities and local communities in Greater Accra Region and other deprived communities in Ghana.
3. To organize workshops and seminars to educate Ghanaian communities on pertinent issues.
4. To expose and motivate cultural conceptions to the communities.
5. UKO shall use its resources and revenues for charitable purposes, including, without limitations to granting of financial and educational support to the needy in the communities.
6. To solicit or generate own funds by organizing activities and/or by voluntary contributions from members.
7. To equip UKO Members with appropriate information, platforms and resources to enhance their physical, mental
Tertiary Education:
UKO has set-up education fund to sponsor students for tertiary Education. Currently, we have students undertaking various educational programs at:
Skill Training Programs:
For people who are not able to attend higher education we have skill training and apprenticeship programs in the following areas:
Assistance is giving to the various communities in the following areas:
UKO Supports job seekers in remote areas in Ghana to build skills, address barriers to employment and contribute to their communities through a range of flexible activities. Further information will become available in coming months, including how to participate in the design of the new program by our sponsors
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Your contribution will enable us to support and extend the reach of our developmental programs in Ghana communities. We are very grateful for your generosity.